Mighty Machines - Season 03 Episode 02 - Machines Go to School

by 05:43 0 yorum

"The Joker Goes to School", a first-season episode of the Batman television series, first aired on ABC March 2, 1966 as its 15th episode, with an encore telecast occurring on August 10, 1966. It guest starred Cesar Romero as The Joker.

Lorenzo Semple Jr. gives a subtle backstory for the Joker: when Batman shows the Joker's mugshot to the kids, the Joker is wearing a normal suit, and there is a reference to him being a "master of disguise", leading one to believe this version wears clown makeup (not unlike Heath Ledger's version in The Dark Knight), instead of having his skin discolored by chemicals (as was the Jack Nicholson version in Tim Burton's 1989 film).

In November 1965, Semple concocted a new villain named The One-Armed Bandit, "whose peculiar kick is gimmicked coin machines of all sorts". The idea ultimately wound up in these episodes with Joker in charge of The One Armed Bandit Novelty Company and vending machines that churned out silver dollars, quarters, answer sheets to exams, and knockout gas.

The Joker originally was scheduled to be the first villain to appear, but a scheduling conflict prevented Cesar Romero from appearing on the debut episode



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